Policies & Disclaimers

By purchasing any service from The Pisces Planet and Haley Toal, you agree to all of the following:


  • Readings do not predict the future, but rather read the energy surrounding the querent. This doesn't mean that what comes up won't come to fruition, but it is important to note that the energy around us is ever changing!

  • Any future outcomes that may present themselves during a reading are not set in stone, and do not take away the querent's free will.

  • As a reader, I will happily offer grounded spiritual guidance and advice during our session and offer any support that I can. Both Tarot and Astrology can be incredible tools to provide grounding, direction, clarity, guidance, and a deeper understanding of yourself and others. However, although readings are therapeutic in nature, understand that no reading will replace traditional therapy or the advice of medical, legal, financial, mental health, or other such professionals.

  • I hold myself to a high ethical standard and will not answer questions or give information regarding deaths, pregnancies, marriages, serious medical issues and illnesses, illegal activities, etc. Thank you for understanding!

  • As I am a psychic, readings will often include any channeled or intuitive messages that come to me during our session. Please note I do not yet consider myself to be a Medium (a psychic individual that can communicate with the spirit world) and I do not offer this service at this time.

  • Readings may be recorded (or tarot spreads photographed) on Zoom or with an audio recording device by the querent with my permission.

  • Confidentiality note: What is shared during a reading will remain between myself and the querent and readings are always held in a non-judgemental, completely safe space.

  • It is my goal to leave you feeling empowered and heard after our session, while offering you honest guidance and direction. I hope you enjoy your experience!


  • Readings must be booked through our website booking form.

  • To secure your booking, a deposit of $22 must be made by e-transfer to haleyannetoal@gmail.com.

  • Readings are conducted in person by default. You must be local to the Comox Valley to receive your reading in person. Online options such as Zoom readings are available upon request!

  • Readings are non refundable once booked.

  • If a reading must be rescheduled, a request to do so must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled reading. I am reasonable, so if something out of your control occurs, shoot me a message!

  • Astrology reading booking forms missing important information such as exact birth time (unless clearly stated as “unknown”), birth date (day, month, and year), and birth location may not be accepted.


Psychic and spiritual services such as Tarot/Oracle and Astrology readings are for entertainment and novelty purposes only. These readings do not replace the advice of legal, financial, medical, mental health, or other such professionals and therefore, Haley Toal and The Pisces Planet will not be held legally accountable or responsible for any actions you choose to take or decisions you choose to make. By purchasing and/or booking a reading, you agree to the above information.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and understand this important information!