Astrology Readings

  • Full Natal (Birth) Chart Reading - 1.5 hrs - $99

    Your birth chart provides the precise location of all of the planets and luminaries in the sky at the time of your birth. The placements of the planets and luminaries - the signs they fall in, the angles between them (known as aspects), and the astrological houses they fall in - can offer incredible insight into your personality and how you experience life. Your birth chart reveals so much about you, and can help you begin or deepen your journey of self-discovery, self- acceptance, and healing. Each reading will also include any advice on how to use the energy of your chart to your advantage, and will help you understand who you are on a soul level. This reading is 1.5 hours and will cover your entire chart from the zodiac signs, to planets, to houses, to aspects, to the nodes and asteroids, and more.

  • Mini Reading Sun/Moon/Rising - 30min - $44

    The three most influential placements of your natal chart include your Sun, Moon, and Rising placements. More than just a sign, each of the Sun, Moon, and Rising placements rule over a different part of your personality, and appear in different areas of your life experience. Your Sun placement encompasses your identity, your purpose, and the energy that aligns with your soul. Your Moon placement rules over your emotions and the deepest parts of your. Your Rising placement shows the person you are on the outside and creates the blueprint for your chart. This reading is 30 minutes and will cover your Sun, Moon, and Rising, and any other placements that I find relevant. If you’re not quite ready to deep dive into your full chart, or the full chart reading is out of budget, this one’s for you!

  • One Month Ahead Reading - 15 min - $33 OR Three Months Ahead Reading - 30min - $44

    A month/three months ahead astrology reading utilizes your specific natal chart along with the current and upcoming astrological transits (movement and placements of the planets and luminaries) to provide insight and predict the energies and experiences of the month ahead. This type of reading uses the techniques of hellenistic astrology, tropical astrology, and the whole sign house system along with my divinely guided intuition to best predict what may lie ahead for you, and how to manage and handle the themes, energies, and lessons that are coming your way. Tarot and/or Oracle cards, AstroDice, and other divination tools may also be used to give further messages and receive further insight into what is to come for you!

  • Solar Return/Year Ahead - 1.5 hrs - $99

    Looking ahead at the astrology of a year can help you plan, set goals, know what energy to expect, and understand the key themes and lessons the astrological transits will bring. This reading is 1.5 hours and will outline the astrology of your year ahead, taking your specific natal chart into consideration. This reading also utilizes hellenistic astrology techniques, tropical astrology, and the whole sign house system as well as other predictive astrology techniques. A Solar Return (birthday) or Year Ahead reading is best booked in January, before the new year begins in November or December, or around the time of your birthday, but can be booked any time that you are requiring some grounded spiritual guidance and want to get a sense for what may lie ahead for you!

  • WTF Is Going On With The Planets?! - 15min - $22

    Have you ever experienced a wonderful, strange, or challenging sequence of events, leading you to shake your head and look at someone and say, “Wtf is in the air lately?! There’s gotta be something going on with the planets.” Well, there is. There ALWAYS is. And I am here to help! This is a perfectly short and sweet reading based on the current astrology and the specifics of your natal (birth) chart - especially if you are needing some clarification, a “why is this happening”, or simply some spiritual guidance to get through the next little while! This reading is 15 minutes and will provide insight into what the current and near future energies of the planets are, how those energies and characteristics may appear in your life, and how to navigate them in a way that is positive and beneficial for you.

  • Astrology Education

    Coming soon…